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Getting Started

  1. Set Up Authentication: Authorize with username and password using basic auth.
  2. Test Making Requests: Try the authentication and test out the endpoints easily in Swagger.
  3. Integrate API to your application: Connect your application to the Meter API and integrate energy data into your application.

User Flows

Shows a typical user flow of using the Meter API.


Fetch Customer Id

  • Call the GET /Customer endpoint to get information about available customers in your scope.
  • Select an "Customer" and copy the id of the customer.

Fetch Installation Id

  • Call the GET /Installation endpoint with the customer id you copied as the parameter customerId.
  • Select an "Installation" and copy the id of that installation.

Fetch Meters in Installation

  • Call the GET /Meter endpoint with the installation id you copied as the parameter installationId.
  • Take a notice of the different meters. What kinds
  • Select an "Meter" and copy the id of that installation.

Fetch Meter Readings for

  • Fetch meter reading for that meter using the GET /TimeSeries/Meters/{meterId}endpoint.

Setting up Postman

  1. Go to the open api json file and copy the content.
  2. Open Postman and click "Import" postman, import button.
  3. Paste the open api content into the import text field. postman, import text field
  4. Click "Import"
  5. Set up "Basic Auth" by selecting "MeterAPI" and go to tab "Authorization". Change "Username" and "Password" to your credentials and save. postman, auth
  6. Verify that it works by testing the "/Customer" endpoint. postman, test endpoint