For listening to fast data updates



Port: 8883

TLS: Required

Username: Required, see authentication

Password: Required, see authentication

ClientId: No limitations


Each customer is separated into individual base topics. This allows consumers to have a single subscription and receive data for all installations, meters and registers.


NOTE: MQTT subscriptions must be made to the same base topic the consumer has been granted access to. This means that subscriptions must include the customer-id, and cannot subscribe to root topic with wildcard #.

Payload format

NOTE: Because of historical reasons there are currently two payload formats. This is something that is in process of being changed.

Version 1 data payload is transmitted for register 2 (accumulated energy consumption) measurements.

    "smarteo_payload_schema_version": 1,
    "data_timestamp_utc": "2023-01-01T12:34:56.789Z",
    "system_timestamp_utc": "2023-01-01T12:30:00.000Z",
    "register_id": 12,
    "meter_reading": 123.456

Version 2 data payload is transmitted for all other register types.

    "smarteo_payload_schema_version": 2,
    "measurement_start_timestamp_utc": "2023-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
    "measurement_end_timestamp_utc": "2023-01-01T12:01:00.000Z",
    "register_id": 12,
    "value": 123.456

Last updated